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Comparing Singapore Math ® Series

Writer: Jessica KaminskiJessica Kaminski

One of the questions I often get asked is the difference between all the different Singapore Math ® series. How do you know which one will work for you? Let's dive into the different series and see how they compare.

First, I want to encourage you to check out this blog post about how Singapore's approach came to the United States. This will tell you more about the publishers and the different methods in each book. It will highlight when they were published and some noteworthy differences in each.

In this post, we are going to highlight the practical components. What does each series include? What objectives are used? What differentiation materials are included? While not every single series is included, I have highlighted the major ones that are available to purchase. (Note: An option to download the chart is available below.)

To be fully transparent, I am a bit biased about some of these series. I was on the author team for both Primary Mathematics 2022 and Math in Focus 2020. I have led professional development on all of the products listed below for over 10 years and have had an extensive look at each of them in the classroom and as a homeschool parent. I have my personal preferences but also believe that every educator should make a decision based on the unique needs of his or her students and teaching background. I think it's great that we have so many customizable options.

Let's take a look at the current series that are widely available to purchase. Here are the basic components to consider.

Comparison of Singapore Math series

What about the extra pieces? What are the things I might want to have to support students? Note which series include differentiation options. Most of these are digital now and are included in an online subscription. Many of these come the first year with purchase of Teacher's Guides or Home Instructor's Guides and can be renewed. (Schools usually renew with purchase of Student Books. Homeschools usually renew for a minimal fee.)

Comparison of Singapore Math series

Singapore Ministry of Education's phases of learning
Singapore's Ministry of Education Syllabus

Now that we have the basic components organized, let's look at the way a chapter is organized. Singapore's success is built upon an upward mastery spiral that consistently reviews while moving forward. This is developed using their phases of learning that include readiness (ensuring students have the prior knowledge to enter the chapter), engagement (the day-to-day lessons), and mastery (showing true understanding). When deciding on a series, it's vital to compare the components that are true to Singapore's success.

Comparison of Singapore Math series

As you begin to consider video support or instruction, remember that any Singaporean approach should include hands-on learning. It is not a true approach to watch a video and repeat. Instead, students should first attempt the opening problem using hands-on manipulatives and visual drawings. Then, students might use a video to teach the skill. Students should continue to practice with problems that vary in intensity using both mathematical and perceptual variation. A video may help students if they come upon a challenging problem. Finally, students should work independently with minimal support.

The video support options are listed above. These are ones that I have personally viewed. As the internet is constantly growing and changing, these may not include all of the options available.

You may also notice that the Math with Purpose Video Library is also mentioned. This is my product and is designed to model the process of thinking and visuals for students by modeling a specific problem. The Math with Purpose Video Library is the ONLY library that is specifically and legally designed for Marshall Cavendish's products. Hundreds of videos are aligned to various topics that match any series. Additional videos teach specific problems in the Primary Mathematics 2022 series with new chapter support videos coming soon.

Homeschool families can check out the Math with Purpose Video by following this link, including the 4C Math Mastery Model that teaches students in just 20 minutes a day. Schools may inquire about school license pricing by emailing for great discounts and incentives.

Finally, let's talk about professional development and where to purchase items. As I mentioned above, I have been training educators for over 10 years as one of the original US consultants trained by Singapore. I provide in-person and virtual training for schools and private coaching for parents. Simply email to ask about what programs are available.

There are several other amazing consultants out there as well. If you would like a recommendation, please just ask.

If using Primary Mathematics 2022, I invite you to check out my free implementation course that guides you through its components completely FREE. It's the only one of its kind and will help you understand the nuts and bolts.

If you are a homeschool parent, I encourage you to shop these wonderful resellers for your books:

If you are a school looking for Math in Focus, please contact Houghton Mifflin Harcourt.

If you are a school looking to purchase any of the Primary Mathematics products, you can actually order directly through me by emailing (I do earn a commission by your purchase.) You can also view samples by checking out the Preview Site.

Now that we have looked at the products from a birds-eye view, I encourage you to check out the resources yourself. Many of the websites above have sample pages you can easily view.

Choosing a curriculum depends on your particular needs. No two classrooms or homeschool families are the same. I encourage you to check out what you need and consider the best option based on your price range, teaching experience and student need. They are all really great products!

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