Developing Number Sense for Math Fact Fluency Manual
Teach Math Facts in a Way That Actually Works
Tired of flashcards and gimmicks that don’t lead to lasting results? There’s a better way!
A Step-by-Step Guide That Transforms the Way Students Learn Math Facts
Get the tools, resources, games, and assessments you need to help students build number sense so they don’t just memorize math facts, but truly understand and retain them.
This 463 page manual includes:
- over 100 printable games, activities and assessment options to teach addition, subtraction, multiplication and division facts.
- lesson plan ideas and support.
- 16 ordered objectives that help students logically master their math facts.
The Developing Number Sense for Math Fact Fluency can be used to teach students on their own or used with the accompanying course that tells you how to implement these strategies with teacher and student video. You can find out more information about the course by visiting (Note that purchase of the course includes a digital version of this manual for free!)